Tune.TV to lead the online market

Digital online advertising is growing in Pakistan and is now in need of serious attention. Television audiences for cable and satellite TV content on the Internet is to be considered estimates, the global ad spending on TV content soon will take on traditional television advertising business.

Tune.TV legal, premium and freedom of viewer demand streaming service, which is Pakistan’s first and only video. Service of Pakistan under license from high quality material features entertainment TV channel. Viewers HD Tune.tv enjoy their favorite content and its technology based on user login automatically adjust to the loss of quality. No buffering, no suffering.

Tune.Tv fastest growing video site is Pakistan. Alexa from its soft launch in a few weeks, and in 1000 opened the way to the top is fast approaching. Pakistan is back and you receive 75% of traffic is the most long-form video game that was called.

Service offers a true TV experience and technology of media rolls and pre-service allows perfection and performance-mails. It comes to advertising, Tune.TV selected for quality over quantity. Box minimal advertising and advertising a very limited amount of video stream. No annoying pop-ups, no hard malware or virus threats, only high-quality entertainment. Tune.Tv team also promote greater commitment and results measurement that can produce creative and sponsorship.

Tune.Tv based on the latest technology to provide state-of-the-art HTML5 Video Player is the first website of Pakistan. Viewers player allowed to share direct links to content that goes viral, it increases the likelihood. The purpose of this service more effective video advertising Pakistan. The audience when, where and how they want to provide the quality of the video content, it is expected to achieve. And viewers, content owners and advertisers alike will love the service by making.

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