Pakistan Post – A Logistics and Mobile Financial Company

Pakistan Post’s usage and value has seen a decline over the past few years. With Courier services like TCS, Leopards and newbie’s like BlueEx etc., the market is very tough and Smartphones, apps and mobile financial services have also contributed to the damage making Pakistan Post almost outdated.

To compete, the Pakistan Post is in the process to do a refurbishing for which there was a presentation in this regard to the Prime Minister which was approved officially.

Pakistan Post Reform Agenda:

There are three points of action.

  • Launch of mobile money transfer
  • Launch of logistic company
  • Rebranding of Pakistan Post

Mobile Money Solution:

To achieve this milestone, an investment was proposed for the 3200 post offices and their 9000 agents approximately which has hardware, software and training of the staff, advertisement and charges and Pakistan Post is expecting an income of 5 billion rupees within 2 years and a 20% market share.

This is a partnership pursued and for a part of the revenue Pakistan Post will be shown a solution that maintains market standards run by the partner who would also help in providing hardware, software, training and development.

Pakistan Post Logistics Company:

There is an income of around 80-100million dollars per year and is expected to increase to billions in the coming years in the local e-commerce market. The courier service is now worth 30 billion rupees and will increase as the e-commerce market grows as per the Pakistan Post’s estimate which is just a part it is targeting.

It is the aim to start a fully owned logistics company with private sector partners for investing on a revenue share basis. 800 million rupees will be made in the below areas

  • GPS enabled trucking fleet
  • Warehouse
  • Distribution channels
  • Information technology
  • Brand recognition

Rebranding Pakistan Post:

A makeover of the Pakistani Post is very much in progress in the reforming in which includes making Pakistani Post a center for technology and convenience. Upgrading the facilities will be taken up with the preparing of medium and long term postal policies which will be a transparent process. Expressions of interest (EOI) are requested for all the three projects through the PPRA site and newspapers. Pakistan Post is targeting to double its revenue to 900 million per annum in 2 financial years and a growth rate of 15% is being targeted in the next three years.

This revamping plan of Pakistani Post is an indication of the change of business situations in Pakistan. Traditional services have been pushed to the sidelines with the new comers in the market which makes the revamping of Pakistan Post very much in need to make it competitive.


OLX Fraudster Gang Caught by FIA

OLX has become the base for many gangs who rob people by making irresistible offers to the people. One of such a gangs has been caught in a combined raid by Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) and the Citizen-Police Liaison Committee (CPLC).

Details about the Case

This gang puts up car ads on the OLX website and has five people, three among whom are identified as Azam Rahman Butt, Irfan Bashir and Muneer Khan. It was said that these suspects came from Punjab and working in Karachi for the last 12 months and were supposed to have conned many people. “They [gang members] used to fix cheap prices for their cars that attracted buyers,” said an FIA official. “They took the buyer to a car showroom in the city and locked the deals there by demanding prices much lower than the market rates. After finalizing the deal, they took 10% to 20% as down-payment and then vanished.”

Upon investigation it was reported that all the associated car showroom owners were not even aware of the gang which was using their location for such acts. The gang and the OLX buyers were considered as soon-to-be customers by the staff. But the OLX customers came back again for a refund of the payment, saying that showroom had taken a down-payment.

On receiving a complaint from one of the victim’s by the CPLC which was forwarded to the FIA, who identified and caught the gang with the help of CCTV footage from a bank and a bank account used for the con.

It is reported that these people were taken into custody in two different acts. While two of them were taken in Korangi, two were taken in Surjani and on from Liaquatabad. Cases are registered against all the five and investigation is in progress for the gang’s past activities.

It is advised to be clear beforehand and meet once when finishing the transaction, preferably in a public place because platforms such as OLX are never safe and direct contact is often risky for both buyer and seller. It is also advised to read through helpful security guidelines and report any suspicious ads if they find before doing deals on OLX.


China-Pak Economic Corridor to be strengthened by E-Corridor

The e-corridor in the recent meetings with the Chinese delegation was discussed to improving the connectivity among the two countries as the China-Pak Economic Corridor (CPEC) is important to both the countries.

The CPEC Meeting

Yan Lijin, Chairman of China Investment Promotion Centre, who was leading the Chinese delegation met with Anusha Rehman, the Pakistani Minister for Information and Technology discussed ideas as to enhancing teamwork between the countries’ public and commercial sectors with respect to IT parks, electronic payments etc., and other IT services and also to enable development in the ICT sector.

Anusha Rehman spoke about the government’s interest in arriving at a Digital Pakistan and assistance from the Chinese will help in making the vision a reality.

A proposal backed by Chinese IT and innovation groups was proposed for achieving the public and private sectors partnership and a joint venture investment mechanism by the Chinese delegation and the Pakistani IT Minister assured that proposals in this matter will be quickly evaluated for ensuring transparency and conformity with the country’s legal system.

Pakistan’s IT Sector Up for the Challenge?

The potential of Pakistan in the IT and Telecom sector was noticed and the need for combined efforts for optimizing the financial output was noticed. The Ministry of IT and Pakistan Software Export Board (PSEB) and their Chinese counterparts will be working together in all areas regarding ICT industry and technology park development.

The IT Ministry and the Ministry of Commerce are in the process of developing an e-commerce gateway for commercial projects which will also help in improving consumers’ and businesses’ trust in the online payment systems.

It was guaranteed to the Chinese delegation about international companies being invited to investing in e-commerce initiatives and Chinese parties looking to establishing Internet Payment System or an e-commerce gateway will be receiving full assistance for being a part in the e-commerce chain.

Pakistani government’s vision and efforts were appreciated very much to improve the IT and Telecom sector of Pakistan.

Automating Toll Collection – NHA

The current manual system of paying toll tax is being planned to get automated enabling payments through mobile or credit or debit cards by the National Highway Authority (NHA).

This project will help people using the highways by this common way of payment and helps in decreasing the rush at the toll gates and save their time. An E-tag facility on M-1, M-3, and M-4 is installed by NHA and M-tag on M-2 (Islamabad-Lahore) has been installed by the Frontier Works Organization (FWO).

It came out in the Senate Standing Committee on Communication the fact that extra charges are being collected from the people when compared with the NHA-E-tag which gave instructions for inquiring into matter and implementing common toll collection system throughout country.

The E-tag electronic tolling works based on radio frequency identification (RFID) transponders using the dedicated short-range communications (DSRC) protocol. The system uses electronic transponders called E-tags mounted on the inside of the vehicles’ windscreen.

NADRA provides E-tag services to NHA on motorways (M-1, M-3 and M-4). E-tag is a free flow tolling electronic toll collection system used on all motorways.

Features of E-tag system

  • Transparency in toll collection
  • Better control, monitoring and management of data and toll at entry exit points
  • Customized reports such as financial and traffic turnover entry/exit management
  • Fast entry/exit points
  • Availability of data such as CNIC, registration, model and make
  • Rechargeable credit mechanism

Operations of E-tag

The radio frequency (RF) field emitted from the antenna on the vehicle activates the transponder which broadcasts a signal back to the lane antenna with some basic information. This information is transferred from the lane antenna to the central database. Toll tax is deducted from the driver if the toll lane has a gate. Then, a green light indicates that the driver can proceed.


Combating Poverty and Pollution with Electric Powered Vehicles – Zar Motors


If you still think that global warming and climate change are still just buzzwords, then it is time to think different and they make the following generation of Earth worry regarding the ecological destruction.

In the developing countries, where there are almost no environment-friendly initiatives, it is rare that we hear about something that makes us take notice.

Zar Motors is an environmentally-responsible company providing Electric Rickshaws and Loader Vehicles with non-combustible engine in Pakistan, which is looking good for Pakistan’s future.

Begone Gas-Guzzlers, It’s Time for Electric-Powered Vehicles

No petrol or CNG required?

This will make the Pakistani trucker or rickshaw person take notice, because US-based Zar Motors provides an alternative to Pakistani transportation industry at an affordable price.

The conversation these days might be dominated with Metros, but the real revolution is in electric-powered rickshaws and loader vehicles that companies like the aforementioned Zar Motors offers.

Let’s take a look at what Zar Motors offers.

Zar Minicab


This electric-powered 3 wheeler takes 2 hours to charge up to 80 percent capacity. And it can go 130km to 150 km with a full charge.

The Zar Minicab has space for 3 passengers plus a driver, and is also comfortable when compared with the average rick you see on the roads these days.

Price of Zar Minicab: Rs. 240,000/-

To find out more about the Minicab, see here.


Zar Loader


The electric-powered loader is perfect for hauling off weight upto 750kg, making it a worthy alternative to the Suzuki Carry trucks normally in use here.

Its eco-friendly design and economical fuel engine makes it a good buy.

Price of Zar LOADER: Rs. 250,000/-

To find out more about the Loader, see here.

Both Zar Loader and Zar Minicab comes with warranties, that include:

  • Batteries: 18 months
  • Motor: 12 months
  • Charger: 12 months
  • Controller: 12 months


A Zar Motor’s person told  that Gel Batteries used in Zar Motors are maintenance free with an average life of around three years or more, though the price to replace the battery was not mentioned. For fully charging a battery it takes 3-4 hrs.

Why the entry of an Entity like Zar Motors is a Huge Deal for the Pakistani Market?

Pakistan has an investor-friendly market but there is a draught of consumer-friendly and environment-friendly investors. Companies like Zar Motors are welcomed with relief by the consumers in a market environment where companies get away with wrong anti-consumer practices, like the present Pakistani automobile industry players and their allies.

There is a wrecked transportation in most of the country not taking into account the noise and pollution. The rickshaws and loaders by Zar are equipped with environmental friendly features that reduce the carbon footprint by an enormous margin and also do not make a huge sound.

This is because Zar Motors’ philosophy is in line with United Millennium Development Goals (MGDs), something that should adopted by more multinationals operating in Pakistan.

Will the company be able to address the two issues – poverty and pollution. There is a promise of spare parts availability and almost zero maintenance which is a good factor for companies aiming to make a humongous social impact around Pakistan.

For those worried about the company not passing governmental seal of approval, rest assured, because Zar has the support of all Pakistani provincial governments as well as the Engineering Development Board (EDB) and Pakistan Standards and Quality Control Authority (PSQCA).


Pakistan’s Post MSCI Reclassification to bring $500 Million in Foreign Investment

Pakistani finance sector may be looking at a foreign portfolio investment of around $500 million which may be possible by converting of Pakistan’s status from Frontier Market (FM) to Emerging Market (EM) by MSCI in the upcoming Annual Market Classification Review.

What is MSCI?

MSCI is a provider of international investment decision support tools. An index created for the measuring of market performance based on equity in the global emerging markets by Morgan Stanley Capital International. The MCSI based review predicts global index assets worth more than $9.5 trillion.

What Happens with an EM Status?

This MCSI Pakistan Index included in the Annual Review for 2016 will happen in May and if the prior mentioned classification is achieved by Pakistan then there can be greater foreign interest and increased foreign investment.

Pakistan is at present a Frontier Market and Emerging Markets have greater potential for investors which generally is a good investment opportunity. Using these indices, a balanced portfolio is created to get maximum returns and keeping the risk small.

What Made Pakistan An Investor-Friendly Market?

Pakistan Stock Exchange was formed by the merging of three local stock exchanges and came into running few weeks back which was a measure to improve the country’s pliability to global market fluctuations hence reducing the risk factor for investors.

The formation of a single national stock exchange will send a positive message abroad and attract more foreign investors in the country’s capital market. – Mr. Ishaq Dar, Finance Minister (Pakistan)

The Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP), as the capital market regulator, has also endorsed the merger of these stock exchanges. SECP Chairman, Zafar Hijazi, said that without the integration of these stock exchanges, no strategic investor could have come forward.

Now with the structural overhaul in place, the PSX must act as an effective frontline regulator, with complete segregation of its commercial and regulatory functions. The task will be done by a strong and a well governed Board of Governors. – Zafar Hijazi, Chairman, SECP

Pakistani businesses and stakeholders predict that foreign investments will increase with one stock exchange operating in the country and the continued development of the China-Pak Economic Corridor (CPEC).

Does Pakistan Qualify for EM Status and has it Happened Before?

Huge foreign sell-off was observed in 2015 which was that good for Pakistan as foreign sale was a major factor for the stock exchange’s flat performance. The net outflow was £317.3 million over the past 12 months while 2014 had a foreign inflow of $382 million which indicates the need stabilize and stop the downward trend quickly.

A short-lived closing of Karachi Stock Exchange made way to a declassification to a ‘stand alone country index’ of Pakistan which had an Emerging status between 1994 and 2008. It rose back and got the FM status in 2009 and maintained that level from then on. At present there are six companies in Pakistan which fulfil the requirements for an EM which needs market capitalization of $1.3 billion and a $670 million free float. There are nine more companies which are close to the target.

If approved, Pakistan’s MSCI Index weight will convert to 8.9% in FM to 0.17% in EM. Qatar and UAE had this classification change in the recent past seeing a god increase of investments. Pakistan may need local investors for taking much more interest in the market to become stable.


Three iNew 4G LTE Smartphones

Three new family members namely L3, U5 & U3 which are easily affordable and 4G LTE enabled to its already family members, from 22nd January, by iNew Smartphone, the company which became known in the Pakistani Market last year.

Keeping an account of being affordable the L3, U5 & U3 are released with the best features thereby providing customers to express better.

Talking about an important feature, Product Manager, iNew Smartphone Pakistan, Mr. Hassan Shakeel said that these three phones contain the IR Universal Remote Control, using which you can control all of your home appliances.

We’re trying to bring the latest innovations in the smartphone industry at the very affordable prices for the masses, that too with premium support and after sales service; Mr. Hassan added.

In line with the excellent features offered by iNew Smartphone, these new devices will feature:

  • 64 Bit Quad Core Processors
  • High Quality Sony Image Sensors
  • Elegant & Meticulous Build Quality
  • Stable, Bug Free version of Android Lollipop Software
  • High Speed 4G LTE network & IR Universal Remote Control


The detailed Specifications of these devices along with retail prices are as follows

iNew L3:


  • System architecture/processor: 1.3GHz MTK6735 quad-core CPU, ARM Mali – T720
  • Memory & Storage: 2GB / 16GB
  • Body Material: Glass & Aluminum with 3D Polishing
  • Dimensions: Height: 144 mm / Width: 71.8 mm / Thickness: 7.2 mm, Weight: 130 grams
  • Display: 5″ 720p IPS Screen Corning Gorilla Glass 3 Protection
  • Wireless Transmission: 4G LTE, 3G, WIFI 802.11b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.0, Infrared, EDGE, HSDPA, HSUPA, FDD/TDD/WCDMA/TD-SCDMA/GSM
  • Camera Setup : 13MP Sony Image Sensor f /2.0 HD video capture, HDR & Panorama, 5MP Selfie Smart Front Camera
  • SIM card: Dual SIM 4G LTE, Dual Stand by (Micro SIM Cards)
  • Battery: 2150 mAh, Mixed usage up to 48 hours, Standby Time 200 hours
  • Operating System: Android Lollipop
  • Colors: Black, White
  • Price: Rs. 20,500


iNew U5:


  • System architecture/processor: 1GHz MTK6735 quad-core CPU, ARM Mali – T720
  • Memory & Storage: 1GB / 16GB (32GB SD Card)
  • Body Material: Plastic Metal Finish
  • Dimensions: Height: 144.8 mm / Width: 71.9 mm / Thickness: 8.2 mm, Weight: 143 grams
  • Display: 5″ 720p IPS Screen Corning Gorilla Glass Protection
  • Wireless Transmission: 4G LTE, 3G, WIFI 802.11b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.0, Infrared, EDGE, HSDPA, HSUPA, FDD/TDD/WCDMA/TD-SCDMA/GSM
  • Camera Setup : 8MP Sony Image Sensor f /2.0 HD video capture, HDR & Panorama, 2MP Selfie Smart Front Camera
  • SIM card: Dual SIM 4G LTE, Dual Stand by (Micro SIM Cards)
  • Battery: 2300 mAh, Mixed usage up to 48 hours, Standby Time 190 hours
  • Operating System: Android 5.1 Lollipop
  • Colors: Gold, Gray & Red
  • Price: Rs. 12,500


iNew U3:


  • System architecture/processor: 1GHz MTK6735 quad-core CPU, ARM Mali – T720
  • Memory & Storage: 1GB / 8GB (32GB SD Card)
  • Body Material: Glossy Plastic Finish
  • Dimensions: Height: 131.5 mm / Width: 64.5 mm / Thickness: 8.9 mm, Weight: 110 grams
  • Display: 4.5″ IPS Screen, FWVGA Display
  • Wireless Transmission: 4G LTE, 3G, WIFI 802.11b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.0, Infrared, EDGE, HSDPA, HSUPA, FDD/TDD/WCDMA/TD-SCDMA/GSM
  • Camera Setup : 5MP Image Sensor, HD video capture, HDR & Panorama, 2MP Selfie Smart Front Camera
  • SIM card: Dual SIM 4G LTE, Dual Stand by
  • Battery: 1750 mAh, Mixed usage up to 48 hours, Standby Time 150 hours
  • Operating System: Android 5.1 Lollipop
  • Colors: Pink, Blue, White & Black
  • Price: Rs. 10,900


iNew Smartphones are available in all major cities of Pakistan. Customers can also buy these devices from the partner e-commerce portal using free Cash on Delivery option.


Telenor’s Plan of Action for a Digital Pakistan

Telenor has given a report named “Realizing Digital Pakistan” which asks the government

  • Reduce restrictive legislation or heavy taxation on sector
  • Reduce or eliminate device and data taxes
  • Develop data centers to support cloud computing
  • More mentoring and funding for budding entrepreneurs and technology developers for achieving the dream of digitizing Pakistan effectively.


Digital connectivity indicators can be achieved like Malaysia by 2020 by Pakistan but would have to meet prior actions including:

  • Use universal services fund (USF) to strengthen fibre backbone
  • Sign world Trade organization (WTO) information technologies agreement
  • Reduce all activation and service taxes by 25% every year from 2016 to 2020.


The report explained the potential of the country to adopt digital solutions was prepared by the Telenor Group with consultation and collaboration from TechPolis. It shows a possible roadmap which demonstrates how Pakistan can steer digital enablement throughout the country in the next five years.

According to the report, in the coming five years or less, digital connectivity indicators and be attained similar to Malaysia. Five standing points have been made for bringing a better future for the Pakistani people through more usage of digital technologies.

There were five targets set for arriving at the much desired result which are:

TARGET 1:  Connect all schools and hospitals to broadband Internet access, and provide all farmers with mobile access and apps

TARGET 2:  Triple the 2015 total value of e-Commerce by 2020

TARGET 3: Increase transparency and access to government budgets, policies and services

TARGET 4: Pakistan to establish next-generation iHub technology incubators to resolve local challenges by leveraging technology

TARGET 5:  Pakistan to achieve digital connectivity indicators similar to Malaysia by 2020

Tore Johnsen, SVP Telenor Group & Chairman Telenor said:

Pakistan has an immense potential of piloting a sustainable digital turnaround. As shown in the report, this is achieved by embracing innovative digital solutions in areas such as education, health and governance.

With the ambition of delivering Internet for All, Telenor Group strives to be a long-term partner in realizing a Digital Pakistan, together with the government, the private sector, academia and civil society.

The report also contributes to the vision laid out by the Planning Ministry in their document “Pakistan 2025 – One Nation, One Vision.”

Anusha Rahman, Minister of State for IT & Telecom appreciated the efforts by the Pakistan Telenor in seeing the digital competence in Pakistan and its commitment to development of a digital innovation ecosystem in the country. She said:

The comprehensive report launched by Telenor Pakistan reflects how the country proceeds when it comes to utilizing digital technology in various walks of life, and the immense potential it carries for securing a better future for its people.

Telenor Pakistan’s pioneering initiatives towards expanding the overall internet ecosystem in the country including the launch of Pakistan’s first secure online payment solution Easypay by Easypaisa among others were much appreciated by the Minister.

Dr. Ismail Shah, Chairman PTA, said the country is now embracing digital technology as a powerful tool that is not just a means of communication, but a life-changing catalyst.

Along with other cellular operators, Telenor Pakistan has played an important role in making digital technology accessible to the people of Pakistan.

I hope, that the company continues its pursuit of a digital Pakistan where common people have access to better healthcare, education and governance at their fingertips.

Michael P. Foley, CEO, Telenor Pakistan, said Pakistan has a overabundance of digital opportunities and we, at Telenor, envision a future where those opportunities can be utilized to enable widespread digitalization.

With the launch of this report, we are putting countrywide digital access at the center and attaching utmost priority to offering cutting-edge technological solutions to facilitate digital connectivity.

Going forward, Telenor Pakistan aims to play a pivotal role in government’s efforts to promote e-exclusivity for all to foster socio-economic transformation of Pakistan.

The report was introduced by Ricardo Tavares, CEO TechPolis, said Pakistan can leverage the expansion of broadband access to reform public services and the economy and unleash a new era of job creation, quality-of-life improvement and economic growth.

The country can utilize its ample repertoire of technological talent and innovative solutions to revolutionize public services in the domains of education, healthcare, and agricultural assistance.

This report presents a comprehensive view on how Pakistan can truly usher in an era of innovation and progress that can improve the lives of ordinary people. We are immensely pleased to have collaborated with Telenor Group on this report.

For the achieving of digital Pakistan, tight coordination among the private sector, academia, civil society and government is very much required. All together contribute to supporting Pakistan’s move to the digital economy. Streamlining investments from private sectors, government policies and regulations, academia how to and civil society participation for digitalization for everyone’s advantage is a tall order Pakistan will face in reaching its Vision 2025.

For improving the health sector, the urban hospitals and the rural hospitals and clinics must be connected through Internet broadband. Focus will be given to e-Health, e-Education, and e-Agriculture. Mobile Health will help rural people to connect with the state-of-the-art equipment and services in city hospitals. E-Education will provide quality education where there is a lack of teachers and E-Agriculture will give farmers information that helps them improve the quality of their work.

Aligning government policies and regulations, private investment, academic know-how and civil society activism for digitalization to benefit all, is the biggest challenge Pakistan faces in achieving its Vision 2025

USF funds will be a means to guarantee the Internet connectivity among rural and urban areas. Also public and private sectors coming together will be encouraged to develop initial startups on e-Health, e-Agriculture and e-Education.

The Business to Customer (B2C) e-Commerce in Pakistan shows a mine of potential. The report wants to steer clear of restrictive legislation and taxation for letting eServices grow and creating trust in online services’ security. Success of the freelancers, and the ability of Pakistani IT workers inning international awards and qualified, English-speaking workforce display a latency to increase software exports and outsourcing.

Encouraging mobile operators to influence mobile identity with bio-metric identification for authentication of all e-commerce transactions, an e-procurement platform will be looked into for government acquirement and improved trade diplomacy will be given rise to.

E-governance will be encouraged for the promotion of accountability and transparency of the government. Reducing the gap between public’s demand for government services and availability is the principal aim. A central portal for the government which gives access to all the agencies, apps and facilitation of access to the data to increase app development is looked for. This will give the society to monitor government’s performance at different levels.

Entrepreneurship has seen a good growth in Pakistan in the last years. By setting up technology incubators and supporting entrepreneurs with initial funding this sector’s growth can be increased where the public and private sector partnerships will come into picture.

Facilities can be provided by the government, operators, technology vendors and academia all working together, greenfield funding and general mentoring for budding entrepreneurs and technology developers with government agencies and companies posing challenges.

An iHub is to be set up in Islamabad in the new Technology Park which will see the partnerships between operators and technology suppliers. It is also an aim to spread the “Islamabad Experience” to other cities.

PTA announced to unblock the YouTube within 48 hours

Islamabad: Pakistan Telecommunication Authority received a directive from the Ministry of Information technology on Monday to restore YouTube service within 48hours.

Spokesman of the Ministry of Information Technology Sagheer Anwar Wattoo and PTA officials confirmed to issue the directive.

As the service is blocked for time being, the service is still not accessible to some internet service providers without the use of a secure (http) protocol or VPN/proxy.

By posting a photo to its official Facebook page the Pakistan Telecommunications company limited welcomed the move.

All the arguments for unblocking YouTube are complete and the standard operating procedures have been checked which is said by the PTA officials. All blasphemous content had been blocked on the localized version of YouTube are claimed by the Officials.

Informed the content has been removed along with Google’s cooperation by the IT ministry, PTA, Ministry of Religious Affairs and other agencies who were part of a committee formed to tackle the issue.

PTA Spokesman Khurram Mehran earlier confirmed the Google had launched a localized version of YouTube in Pakistan which did not feature any of the controversial content.

Google had launched a localized version of YouTube in Pakistan which did not feature any of the controversial content by the PTA Spokesman Khurram Mehran.

PTA given a reply on the YouTube ban said that on verification of this version by Google and PTA of the website does not contain any known copies of the offending material.

The PTA said if any copy appears on the website in the future, Google has “provided an online web process through which requests for blocking access [to] the offending material can be made by PTA to Google directly and Google/YouTube will accordingly restrict access to the said offending material for users within Pakistan”

Google has made it possible for the Pakistani Government to ask for the removal of objectionable videos from YouTube, this is acknowledged by PTA.

Initially YouTube was blocked in Pakistan on September 18, 2012, as the violent protests broke out all over country in reaction to blasphemous film uploaded on the website’s servers that outraged Muslims all across the world.

Once ban was lifted in early 2013,but only for a few hours after which the website was again officially inaccessible to Pakistan users.

PTA Appeals for Lift of YouTube Ban in Supreme Court

Requesting the lifting of the 3-year-old ban on YouTube, the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority filed a petition in the Supreme Court of Pakistan.

YouTube was blocked in Pakistan in 2012 September when it failed to remove the profane “Innocence of Muslims” movie that lead to angry protests around the world.

In today’s petition, PTA said YouTube was banned by the orders from the apex court but YouTube has launched a local Pakistan version removing offensive content for Pakistani users.

Since a local version is provided for Pakistan, the ban on YouTube is not required anymore and the court should lift the ban on YouTube, pleads the petition.

Google has announced a local version for YouTube that will be customizing content as per the Pakistan’s requirement, but the offensive content is still available on the website unlike the claim of the PTA.

Though Pakistani ISPs already opened YouTube access in Pakistan, the official lift of the ban remains in the supreme Court’s hand.

If the Supreme Court lifts the ban on YouTube, Pakistani users will be accessing YouTube after three and a half years.


YouTube is the largest online video sharing community now available locally in 88 countries and in 76 global languages includes Urdu and has more than 1 billion users monthly across the world.

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