Next-generation Bluetooth 4.2 will connect directly to the Internet

Bluetooth technology for more than a decade to bring advanced automation is friendly with humans. Technology to control appliances from anywhere in the world things, the introduction of the Internet is massive in scope. But the current generation of Bluetooth to connect to the Internet depends on the gadget or smartphone, however, the next generation of Bluetooth 4.2 technology, allegedly connected to the device without the need to directly connect to the Internet.

Revolutionary sound, and it is. With the new order, our Bluetooth exclude all PCs and smart phones and the Internet without running to approach that enables the next generation of technology is a system. We are eagerly awaiting the Bluetooth 4.2!

The next version, it works really like the idea of the Internet of Things has the potential to reshape. A new configuration causes the direct contact sensor, a light sensor will possibly.

In order to reduce the number of devices, the less chance for hackers to breach security. Your security settings so that the new idea WiFi will be less likely to split. Furthermore, Bluetooth 4.2 home automation products such as specific devices, providing a secure connection when connecting with a FIPS compliant encryption will feature. New Bluetooth connectivity speed and energy efficiency has improved.

The new facility is expected next year and hopefully good things will reach people anywhere in the middle.

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