Want to protect yourself? Install Chrome 107 now

Want to protect yourself? Install Chrome 107 now

Google releases version 107 of chrome browser Which adds a variety of plugins under the hood and makes some important tweaks to better protect you online.

Due to the 14 individual security fixes that are included in Chrome 107, we highly recommend downloading the update as soon as it becomes available to you. The most important one revolves around it Zero-day vulnerability called CVE-2022-3723. It’s a confusion type flaw affecting Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine. as described Avertium cyber security company The flaw allows bad actors to “trick” the browser to run malware and make users think it’s legitimate data.

Avertium states that while Chrome V8 engine attacks are uncommon, they are among the most dangerous. This appears to be the third time Google has corrected a Type Confusion error this year. One event in March and Other in April.

As for the The rest of the security patch Things are not severe. You see fixes for data validation and for browser extensions. But looking there Billions of Chrome users There are a lot of methods bad actors use. We repeat: update the browser.

The rest of the update Focuses more on Chrome’s future protection. HEVC (High Efficiency Video Coding) Now partially supported on browser. Also known as H.265, HEVC is a codec that compresses files more efficiently to speed up download times. It is more common on electronic devices. With this update, Chrome joins Safari and Microsoft Edge as the only major web browsers that support HEVC.

Video conferencing tools are also undergoing some changes To make it more user-friendly. Developers of these tools can now include a button that allows people to switch between tabs when they share a screen. It’s basically a kind of hotkey to save you from having to search through a whole lot of tabs. Chrome 107 will also alert you if you share the same tab you’re video conferencing from. Doing so creates a “Hall of Mirrors” effect, according to patch notes.

Other reports claim there are additional features in the update, but we haven’t been able to find them. Android It states that Chrome now has the ability to import passwords from an external password manager or other browsers. And apparently, the media picker for Chrome 107 on Android has been updated. We’ve reached out to Google to see if this is true, as well as if there are other hidden features. This story will be updated if we hear back.


You can download the update by going to “About Google Chrome” in the browser menu to install it automatically. Despite a slew of security fixes in the update, Google’s work is still stalled. Recent reports claim that 300 new vulnerabilities It was discovered in Chrome this year alone. There could be another very serious confusion-type error waiting to be discovered.

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