Apple launched a new Security Center to help spot bugs and flaws

Apple launched a new Security Center to help spot bugs and flaws

Apple unveiled a file New security center And a bounty hunting program developed as it looks to improve the way it detects and addresses the various flaws and weaknesses in its ecosystem.

“Our leading security technologies protect the users of more than 1.8 billion active devices around the world. Hear the latest advances in Apple security from our engineering teams, submit your own research, and work directly with us to be honored and rewarded for helping keep our users safe.”

Apple said the company’s rewards system has been upgraded, claiming it has improved response time, and simplified reporting and communicating with issues.

Progress tracking

“Firstly, we respond more quickly. Sometimes, we receive more requests than we expected, so we developed our team and worked hard to be able to complete the initial assessment of nearly every report we receive within two weeks, and most within six days,” explained.

Our Apple Security Research website includes a new way to submit research to us on the web and get real-time status updates. Simply sign in with your Apple ID and follow the instructions to send us a detailed report. You can then track the progress of your report and securely communicate with Apple engineers during the investigation. ”

Apple also claims that the software will be more transparent. The site includes detailed information about Apple Security Bounty, as well as evaluation criteria. Bounty categories include ranges and examples, which help bounty hunters decide where they want to focus their research, and decide what type of reward they can expect. “We have provided scopes for transmissions that affect Apple’s services and infrastructure, as well as our products,” he explains.

Across: 9to5Mac

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