Now Among the World, Pakistan ranks Top 15 in Cryptocurrency Adoption

Cryptocurrency adoption keeps up to increase around the world in 2021, with trade magnitude based on regional appearance rushing in the wake of repeated bullish and bearish trends.

During this time, the blockchain data platform Chainalysis conceived a worldwide Crypto assumption Index report established on traffic metrics. As per the report’s sections, Ukraine and Russia are guiding the crypto assumption campaign, way ahead of tech-savvy states like the USA, China and Japan.

African nations gave some big marks on the top twenty list as well. Kenya approaches in fifth, South Africa at seventh and Nigeria Seating easily on the eighth.

In Asia, Pakistan places a magnificent 15th in the world for digital currency promotion.

As per Chainalysis, it is also approximated that Pakistan acquired in surplus of USD almost two billion dollars in the crypto-cash previous year, with many examiners indicating that it could have been much, much more in 2020-21 if deals were becoming easier.

In addition Pakistan, other Asian states also exposed magnificent advancement towards crypto assumption in the past fourteen months. China approaches in fourth, Vietnam at a tenth, India eleventh, Thailand twelfth and South Korea at seventh.

The Middle East is also liberating, for all the fact that many states in the region still execute not permit any activities linked to the blockchain.

Internationally, businesses and users are making more disclose to blockchain technology and cryptocurrency, so that for a major online deal and remittance players there was no option left, to adjoin the demand.

On the whole, despite large firms being growingly active with Blockchain, the market is probably to observe many immigrants soon.

Pakistan Army inducts first batch of VT-4 battle tanks

As per the military’s media affairs wing, The Pakistan Army has admitted to the first batch of the modern VT-4 battle tanks.

In a statement declared on Wednesday, the Inter-Services Public Relations stated that Lt Gen Shaheen Mazher Mehmood Commander Mangla Corps inspected the Armoured Division and examined the first batch of VT-4 tanks.

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The statement said, Rashid Mahmood Major General guided the commander about in progress post-shipment exploration of the first batch of tanks.

Lt Gen Mehmood also observed the portability and transportability test of the tanks and acknowledged the efforts managed for the smooth supervise of the induction process.

Manufactured by Chinese state-owned protected vehicle maker, Norinco, the dispatch of VT-4 tanks from the manufacturer started in April last year.

Pakistan is the third state to have purchased these tanks from China after Nigeria and Thailand.

Last year in September, the Pakistan Army had embraced a confirmation of the tank at the Tilla field firing ranges near Jhelum following its adaption into the Armoured Corps. The confirmation was endorsed by Chief of Army Staff Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa.

In a statement at the time, the Inter-Services Public Relations had stated the tank would be retained in an aggressive role by strike formations after installation.

“The VT-4 is unanimous with any latest tank in the world unifying developed Armour security, portability, firepower potentiality and modern technology,” the statement had declared.

PITB & PSEB to work on capacity building in ICT sector: MoU Signed

Punjab Information Technology Board (PITB) and Pakistan Software Export Board (PSEB) have signed an MoU for the facilitation and promotion of local IT industry, startups and freelancers.

The ceremony, presided over by Minister for IT and Higher Education Punjab Raja Yassir Humayun Sarfraz as the chief guest, was held at Arfa Software Technology Park and the MoU was signed by Chairman PITB Azfar Manzoor and MD PSEB Osman Nasir. PITB DG e-Governance Sajid Latif, Director PSEB Sulman Hasan and other senior officials were also present at the occasion.

According to the MoU, PSEB and PITB will collaborate on promotion of local IT industry, entrepreneurship and incubation center development programs. The two organizations will also collaborate on soft skills, language, and technology training programs for ICT companies across the province.

Speaking at the occasion Minister for IT and Higher Education Punjab Raja Yassir Humayun Sarfraz stated that such collaborations lead to lucrative opportunities and greater ICT interventions. “Strengthening the freelance industry through ICT initiatives would help pave the path to economic stability and national prosperity,” he commented.

“PITB will work closely with PSEB to market and extend all possible support to the freelancing talent and start-ups in Punjab through PITB’s initiatives while initiating new projects as well. We will also work on capacity building of local entrepreneurs through business and sales training activities,” Chairman PITB Azfar Manzoor stated.

Appreciating PITB’s role in developing the IT and freelance industry in Pakistan, MD PSEB Osman Nasir said that PSEB shall market and extend all possible support to the freelancing talent and start-ups in Punjab.

The two organizations aim to work on transfer of knowledge in the felid of IT. They would also work on increasing the academia and industry linkages so that both academia and industry can better understand each other’s needs.

DRAP has registered a Pakistani-made ICU Ventilator ‘Pakvent’

The Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan has registered a locally manufactured Pakistani-made ICU ventilator (PakVent).

The Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (DRAP) has issued a registration certificate to a locally manufactured Pakistani-made ICU ventilator (PakVent). According to the certificate issued by DRAP, PakVent has been prepared by the National Engineering and Scientific Commission. Which is for patients admitted to the intensive care unit. The service life of PakVent is ten years.

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According to the DRAP, the registration of PakVent is valid for the next five years.

PCJCCI Resolving To Initiate Pakistan China Technology Forum

According to news, the President of the Pakistan China Joint Chamber of Commerce and Industry Mr. S.M Naveed described his opinions in the context of collaboration of leaders from the technology field for Pakistan to make research-sponsored items in the market and how the Chinese could perform a great role on the backend. This was detailed in a zoom session with a five-member Chinese gathering from the Jinan Technology University China.

Members contained Zhang Min, Zhang Xiuhong, Xiao Jing, and Wang Li who also suggested their proposals and recommendation for international collaboration as a key component for learning worldwide acknowledge best practices.

Mr. Wang Li conducted about the concept of joining into cooperation with the international technology heads to give new chances for nearing scholars and businessmen. Although on this end, China Pakistan Economic Corridors would support Pakistan in terms of education, economy, and aims.

Moreover, Senior Vice President of the Pakistan China Joint Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Daud Ahmed described the schemes to establish technology parks all over the country where Chinese technology would perform a prominent role.

On the whole, both alliances negotiated to make a proper forum to carry new developments through technology in both Pakistan and China.

Technological advancement in 2021 that You Should Know About

COVID-19 has advanced the revolution process. Every day we hear new technological advancement that has the power of converting the pattern of our lives. It will be testing to control the error. Advancement in technology will keep changing our lives and the way we work and generating a large number of chances for businesses globally.

This pandemic has renovated technology tendency. As well as, our stance on life has completely replaced. We are excavating ways to be more effective and ambitious through technological advancement.

Businesses are running up revolution as they target to be keener and better developed for unparalleled times. Technological advancement will be complete of technology advancement and retardation in near future. In this piece, we shall check some emerging technological advancements in2021 that can establish the journey for the next few years. You will learn different factors regarding technology like what is a recent technological advancement in your field, the latest advancement in technology, the latest technology in computers, and technology improvements over the years and so on. Let’s see at some technological advancement so that everyone realizes what to view for, acquire and use with them

5G Will Go Mainstream

The last few years have had ample advertise nearly 5G and its effect in 2021. It may precede real. Provided the remote work, digital cooperation, and videoconferencing making part of our lives, the want for a dependable and quick connection has made super important. Gartner assumes that by 2023, there will be more than one billion energetic consumers of 5G, which shows more than two hundred and seventeen percent amalgam year advancement rate.

Although it was a no-brainer for telecommunication sectors, the implementation of 5G technological advancement will quickly convert various fields’ dynamics. Companies performing with devices such as AI, IoT, and user data platforms will profit the most, guiding to developed insight into user demands, behaviors, and Predilection.

Internet of Behaviors

Do not nervous about the word with IoT. The Internet of Behaviors is indicated to represent the “digital dust” of mass’s lives from multiple mediums. Public or private organizations can utilize that data to understand and determine specific behavior such as following social isolating protocols.

Gartner guesses that more than half of the world population will be under an IoB gadget by 2025. Provided the execution of COVID-19 instruction. We shall confront a reverberation on the internet of actions in the year 2021. This will be exceptional in observing and developing user adoptions, preferences and measures.

Distributed Cloud

Distributed cloud

Cloud-based applications have apprehended markets by trouble. More than ninety percent of the organization are now cloud-based. The figure clearly indicates how essential cloud-based technologies are. Apart from this, sixty percent of work is completed on cloud-hosted servers. As the name recommends, distributed cloud means cloud communication assigned according to their physical position through public cloud suppliers.

Distributed cloud-based technology advancement will develop for its many useful advantages mainly, physical accessibility, less dormancy, and lower value of the data in the year of 2021. Surely cloud distribution is the new normal and the future advances in information technology.

Digital Health

This pandemic showed the vulnerability of our system. The health of all the departments affected the most. Although, Digital Health is the concept of new technology breakthrough. It was then the digital medical investigation or digital health could save humanity. Globally the digital health market was valued at almost eighty-eight billion dollars in 2018. It is now assumed to raise over five hundred billion dollars by 2025.

In 2021 the digital health new technology breakthrough will grow supportable, main table, and ascendable health solutions. If anything, we want to know for sure, it is how quickly our world will accept technological hurdles. It is only a business of a few years when every side of our lives will soon be enclosed by digitalization.

Remote Work and HR Tech

Forrester Research assumes long-term new technological development of remote work, HR technologies, and greater regulation. Furthermore, new tech in computer and new it innovation related to technical developments. Workers involvement in 2021 will be determined by long-term remote work, and prosperity will rely upon an organization finances in HR technologies and capability to control the crisis.

The research organization shows that less than one-third of the organization have workers experience stat. In the future technological advancement, organizing workers experiences (EX) will be remarkably important such as customer involvement.

Rise of Ethical AI

An Illustrated robot showing ethics in ai

Artificial intelligence and its side effects are specifically refining and enabling advances in information technology. Although, merely the thought of machines being allowed the quintessence of awareness that humans have can have a destructing impact. The access to data, if not controlled, can also have terrible results.

These Nervousness have shoved the demand for ethical Artificial intelligence.

Unlike the past, today’s users and workers anticipated companies to acquire Artificial intelligence responsibly. Organizations will intentionally pick to execute business with partners that perform to data ethics and values, over the next few years.


E-sports is amazing induction in the advancement of technology and also advances in information technology. The concept of virtual matches, online gaming and sports were hard to understand Up until a decade ago. The past few years and the widespread development in a flourishing market of e-sports, estimated to surpass on-point five billion dollars by 2023.

When the pandemic affects us. It was observed that one-third of the online user endorsed virtual sports approaches. Variability of a digital user was watched on video gaming, cloud gaming, and virtual sports portal. It is noted that online video games are the most beloved hobby and infotainment source for young users. Millennial and Gen Z customers are consisting towards E-sports more than ever now. All new innovations are happening with new and improved technology.

Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Technology 

The latest technology and new technology being developed that we can see in the form of cryptocurrency. A digital value or the online financial equivalence, cryptocurrency is a massive market worth over two hundred sixty-five billion dollars. We will examine to enhance cryptocurrency users in the coming years.

Blockchain technology and cryptocurrency are moving to radiate through in digital deals in the year 2021. The developing interest of businesses towards digitalization will raise the probability of cryptocurrency and blockchain.

At Xavor, we support businesses obtain the advantage of developing technological advancement direction in a responsible trend and fuel their advancement of technology. Although, you are meeting a technology confront and acquire some help down the road, realize free to approach us out. Having executed with Fortune five hundred companies, our group has experience in managing easy to complex schemes.

Quantum computing

A chip of quantum computer 

Quantum computing, a sort of computing that enhances the power of quantum cases like placement and quantum entanglement, is the next noticeable technology fashion.

Because of its ability to abruptly question, track, explain, and execute on data, regardless of source, this unbelievable technology advancement trend also contains proscribing the spread of the coronavirus and growing potential vaccines.

Quantum computing is now being enhanced in banking and investment to monitor credit risk, execute ultra-high dealing, and find fraud. Quantum computers are now many times faster than conventional systems, containing those from well-known companies. It is one of the best examples regarding new IT innovations which can be called the technology being developed.


The upcoming technological advances regarding Cybersecurity does not look to be cutting-edge technological advancement, rather it will advance at the same rate as other technologies. This is partially due to the continuous exposure of new threats.

Malevolent hackers trying to get unapproved access to data would not capitulate quickly. they will keep checking ways to ignore even the most demanding protection step. It is partially due to the assumption of advancement in technologies to refine defense.

Cybersecurity will enlarge to protect against hackers as long as we have them. Cybersecurity will keep a well-known technology.


In the year 2021, these will be the top technological advancement you should all understand. You have previously already solved that all of these technology trends associate in some way.

The arrival of the 5G technology in advancement trend, would have a positive impact on IoT, AR, and VR, among other ones.

As a result, you would not have to assume which technology advancement trend is right for you because learning about these advancements would expand your knowledge and provide you with can benefit over the competition.

Understanding these technological advancements would obviously give you more exceptional career and business chances.

National Assembly body informed, Social media companies not cooperating with FIA

The National Assembly’s Standing Committee on Defense was briefed on Monday that the social media companies were not performing sufficient function on tackling cyber crime in the country.

The session held by MNA Amjad Khan, was informed over the conformance of social media giants like Facebook, Twitter and TikTok to restraint cybercrime in cooperation with the government agencies.

The National Counter Terrorism Authority formally opposed the absence of readiness on part of the social media group to participate and collaborate in speaking. Facebook does not even trouble to answer to our queries.

The secretary of interior briefed the committee that ninety-four thousand cyber crime complaints had been recorded since last year. We are focusing into every complaint and will not reserve anyone.

The secretary told that The Federal Investigation Agency cyber crime wing gets two hundred and sixty complaints regarding anti-government, fake accounts anti-religious, and child pornography posts regularly.

Informing the committee on the instance, the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority officer informed the committee that under the directives of the FIA approach to almost all pornographic websites was closed in the country.

The complaints regarding profanity cases have also reduced after effective actions,” the officials satisfied the committee.

A Federal Investigation Agency officer briefed the committee that coaching of the officials in assigning with such cases is also meeting difficulty due to Covid-19, as training could only be guided virtually, computing that it did not give a satisfactory result.

On the event, Member National Assembly Aftab Shaban Mirani told that there was a need to utilize solid steps to reduce threats to the country’s cybersecurity. He further said that the risk of hacking of main accounts has also raised.

Member National Assembly Ramesh Kumar told that The National Counter Terrorism Authority was diverging from its phrase of references. Kumar told, there are a large number of queries indicates on the performance of National Counter Terrorism Authority. “More than five hundred undocumented religious academies have been establishing in Thar and Badin and National Counter Terrorism Authority has performed nothing about it.”

Kumar highlighted that in the light of the United States abolition from the neighboring Afghanistan, the question of national security was obtaining more seriousness and more should be performed to check it.



$3.2m IT Order from Japanese Corporation Deals With Saffran Group

According to data of the Pakistan Software Export Board and JETRO, the order was one of the biggest straight demands of a Japanese corporation to Pakistan in the sector of information technology.

Supports Income a Japanese corporation, was declared to award orders to Saffran Group for the formation of an Information Technology manifesto for real estate and initiating a high-tech platform to develop its global services.

The estimated cost of productivity growth would be JPY $350 million out of which a JPY $130 million value of work and finance road map has already been succeeded.

Read more about recently funded Pakistani Startups

Pakistan diplomat in Japan Imtiaz Ahmad take a session with President, Supports Real Estate Company Limited. Michiyoshi Takuma, and Mirza Asif Bag CEO, Saffran Group talked with the media and put their point of view in this regard.

The diplomat praised Bears Inc. Japan and Saffran Group for this plan and convinced full collaboration of the consulate and the government of Pakistan for successful achievement of the attempt.

A press release on Monday repeated the diplomat as saying, we are delighted that Bears Inc. Japan has preferred Saffran Group from Pakistan for this product which will be accomplished by high-tech Information Technology specialistsJapanese Corporation Deals With Saffran Group in Pakistan.

According to the figures of the Pakistan Software Export Board and JETRO, the order was one of the biggest straight demands of a Japanese corporation to Pakistan in the sector of information technology.

This would endorse other Japanese firms to approach Pakistan to source Information Technology solutions in different parts of Pakistan.

It would also appreciate another Pakistani technology group to try opportunities to give Information Technology solutions to Japanese companies.

Approximated to one-point zero five three billion dollars during the regular time of FY 2019-20, The Information Technology and Information Technology -authorized Services export payments which contain computer services and call center services have increased to one-point-five billion dollars at a forty-four percent development rate in the first nine months.

The export money from the Information Technology sector noted a fifty-eight percent development and placed at two hundred thirteen million dollars in March 2021 matched one hundred and thirty-five million dollars in March 2020.

As per Syed Aminul Haque Federal Minister, Information Technology and Telecommunication, the government was initiating every achievable estimate to establish a long-term Information Technology industry development path and to raise Information Technology industry exports to five billion dollars by 2023.

The government has put a target of five billion dollars for export payments through information technology and Information Technology established services during the next three years.

As per a dependable source, Pakistan is giving Information Technology products and solutions to organizations in over one hundred countries.


PM Imran Khan wants international action against online hate

Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan has appealed severe measures online hate as he thinks it to be the root cause of increasing Islamophobia across the world.

Prime Minister described in an interview with anchor Rosemary Barton, the chief political journalist of Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Websites and content increasing hatred separate humanity. Social media is increasing by the day and the world is just approaching terms with it. The interview broadcasted on Sunday.

PM Khan stated without providing more details on the type of measures he wants from other countries, there requires to be an international measure against it. The premier elaborated that he is concentrating on making countries together so that they could take discussions on it. Badly, world heads do not have sufficient inducement to tackle the hate against Muslims and Islam. It is because they do not acknowledge this themselves.”

PM Khan kept on to talk that he has learned in the United Kingdom and stayed there. I know the western culture and recognize its problems. I understand why Islamophobia expand so quickly post nine eleven incidents. After the assault on the twin towers, heads of state across the world criticized it taking the terms such as Islamic terrorism and Islamic extremism. When such terms embellish common, they show the wrong conception of Islam. Masses on the streets do not know the difference between modest and fundamental Muslims. They assume that all Muslims are the same way and this causes Islamophobia, he demonstrated. Terrorism has no belief and there are radicals in every society.

He further said that Muslims existing in Western countries face Islamophobia. Most of the cases are not even revealed and we get such news about them from our consulates.

Barton then urged for his statement on Quebec’s law that bars civilian servants in positions of power from taking religious emblems at work. She said that Quebec officials remark that they trust in secularism.

He stated that this is a pure form of non-religious radicals. The whole plan behind radicalism is you wish humans to be free to be the way they desire to be as long as it does not harm anyone.

Why is it such a great problem if anyone desires to protect their head?” The main cause is the way Islam is distinguished by western countries. Muslims must combine to form people recognize the significance of their religious instructions. People opposing others wearing religious emblems is quite odd.

Although, the premier avoided the question when urged to comment on the cruelty against Muslims in China’s Xinjiang province.

PM Khan told that he just requires to clarify that he talks out against Islamophobia because he is stayed in the United Kingdom and knows what Muslims living there go through. There are party political issues and facing in Syria, Iraq, and Somalia and that must be censured.


Govt initiate PKR 31 billion IT park in Karachi airport

The government has determined to establish an information technology park at the Jinnah International Airport in the trade and business center of Karachi at the price of 31 billion PKR.

per the media report, the South Korean government has provided to fund the Information Technology park project including the provision of technical expertise.

In addition to that, the government is also initiating Information Technology parks in other cities, particularly Islamabad, in a try to provide a boost to the Information Technology field. Information

Technology is the only field that gives great opportunities for implementation.


The install of Information Technology parks will not only provide fresh momentum to the Information Technology field. Although, it will also give job opportunities for the masses.

South Korea is assumed to give eighty-five percent of financing for the project which amounts to almost twenty-seven billion PKR computed at the rate of one hundred and seventy rupees to a dollar.


Seoul will also provide fellowship coaching for the economic development of the Information Technology park regulation.

The total value of the project is approximated at 31 billion PKR. The government will organize around twenty-six billion dollars in overseas credits to complete the project. It will assemble the keeping fifteen percent of the cost from the federal Public Sector Development Program.


The Information Technology Park will house about two hundred and then Information Technology companies having 8400 workforces. It will feature the general services, offices, daycare centers, and parking amnesty. Compute with an Information and Communication Technology system, safety features, and a data center. The Information Technology Park is supposed to grow the evolution of Information Technology collection and enhance export income and exhibition Pakistani innovations and services in the Information Technology industry before the international audience and users.

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