Mobile installment program is facing a delay after much hype

The planned launch of a mobile phone financing program by the Ministry of ICT has faced setbacks, prompting the federal government to withdraw the draft re-evaluation policy.

The government has directed the Ministry of Information Technology to reintroduce the policy after a thorough audit by the Ministry of Justice.

Earlier this month, the Ministry of ICT submitted the mobile phone installment policy to the federal cabinet for approval. Sources revealed that after receiving support from the Federal Government, the Ministry of ICT intends to issue a policy directive, paving the way for the commencement of the mobile phone financing program.

The policy, which is currently under review by the Ministry of Law, is scheduled to be submitted to the Federal Cabinet in the coming days. If the plan is approved, it is expected to be launched late this month or early next month.

The mobile phone installment initiative seeks to empower citizens, especially those with limited financial resources, by providing them with the opportunity to own mobile phones through interest-free installment payment plans.

The proposed policy also addresses the issue of failure of defaulters to fulfill their installment obligations. After approval, people who face payment difficulties may have their mobile phones blocked.

The Pakistan Telecommunications Authority (PTA) will play a crucial role in implementing this measure, which represents a shift from traditional reliance on mobile phone companies to implement it. PTA’s Device Identification and Blocking Registration System (DIIRBS) will be helpful in implementing the blocking process.

This policy emphasizes its dedication to helping low-income people by ensuring they have access to basic technology. This action is in line with the vision of creating a comprehensive digital landscape that meets the diverse needs of the population.

The government remains focused on enhancing accessibility and affordability in a rapidly evolving technology landscape.

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