An AI artist creates streetwear from Nike in the Renaissance

An AI artist creates streetwear from Nike in the Renaissance

“WR0ng ER4” by Str4ngeThing

Artificial intelligence Artist and creator Str4ngeThing Contemporary Images nike ace clothes digital art In the Renaissance, against the arcades and works of old masters. The AI ​​artist even replaces subjects with his image while wearing a full Nike outfit. At first glance, it may seem out of place, but slowly, viewers can see how it fits in with the historical era. Talk about changing things up, Str4ngeThing will take time travel to a new level by touching his AI-generated art Fashion phenomena.

Images from Str4ngeThing | Photo: Jordan | Title: TheBag (left) and ThugLord (right)

Nobody can find out the real name of Str4ngeThing other than his immediate circle. He writes that it is top secret as well as his location. It is safe to say that it exists in the digital world, creating art online with its newfound technical power. He called his art collection “WR0ng ER4,” an anthology of Nike clothing found in the past based on the plot of the Mandela Effect, or false memory.

Renaissance NIKE AI by Str4ngeThing
Str4ngeThing, MY G

The latest fashion in the Renaissance

Str4ngeThing He grabs viewers’ attention as he tries to twist the established destinies, Nike cartridges and staples light years before today to recreate that these items may have always been a part of one’s culture through the ages, but only today people notice them through his Renaissance masterpieces. Call it deja vu or the moment you saw this before, the artist and creator is ready to play with everyone aware.

Renaissance NIKE AI by Str4ngeThing
Str4ngeThing, GR4Y’S

From oversized hoodies and sweatshirts to robes that look like a cardinal or could be worn by the Pope, knock-off streetwear stops people in their footsteps. Brilliant orange, lush maroon, and rich green are made from the artist and creator’s chosen palette, and the addition of Nike’s own check mark is a cherry on top. Wearing AI-powered Nike tech clothing while strolling down the street could stop creators, shove the tiny microphone into the wearer’s face, and ask them all possible random questions, whether it’s about the outfit or trends they want to draw attention to or jump on.

Renaissance NIKE AI by Str4ngeThing
Str4ngeThing. KEEPA

AI Nike Art as a way to celebrate

Str4ngeThing plays with the fire of fashion using AI photography, inspired by the Renaissance from its colors and architecture to the art masters of the era. His work can be seen as high fashion, and people seem to want the artist and creator to do their best to turn his images into real products. A commenter wrote in one of his Instagram posts that he followed Str4ngeThing when he only had about 1,000 followers and then came back three days later, the next number rising to over 7,000 followers.

Renaissance NIKE AI by Str4ngeThing
Str4ngeThing, BL4CK B1RD

People have noticed its AI-generated art, and Str4ngeThing shows no signs of slowing down. He wants to continue to celebrate fashion brands as part of everyone’s culture for a long time and re-imagine them in different eras. For whoever said that a fashion trend pops up at the wrong time, Str4ngeThing may prove to be not the fault of time, but of design.

Renaissance NIKE AI by Str4ngeThing
Str4ngeThing, BestFriend

Renaissance NIKE AI by Str4ngeThing
Str4ngeThing, Hoods in Autumn

Renaissance NIKE AI by Str4ngeThing
Str4ngeThing, 0UR F4TH3R

Project information:

Potato: artificial intelligence art

Artist: Str4ngeThing

a company: nike

Matthew Burgos | Flourish Design

03 November 2022


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