Microsoft introduces a new user interface experience for the computer vision experience with Vision Studio

Microsoft recently introduced a new user interface (UI) for developers called VisionStudio to try it Computer Vision API.

Computer Vision API is part of Microsoft View cognitive services in azure. The application programming interface (API) provides access to advanced algorithms for media processing and information return. Azure’s computer vision algorithms can analyze visual content differently based on user input and choices by loading a media asset or specifying a media asset URL. more Latest version 4.0 from API was Recently released in previewand its capabilities are built into Vision Studio.

Vision Studio aims to allow developers to explore, view, and evaluate features from Computer Vision, regardless of their coding experience. Moreover, they can access the documentation, SDK, REST API and view the supported languages ​​through the user interface.

Developers can try OCR (OCR), spatial analysisAnd the FaceAnd the Image analysis Computer vision services. They can optionally sign in with their Azure account or create one. Next, choose Service and create an optional resource. The latter allows developers to upload their own resources. As Kate Brown, Director of Programs at Microsoft, explains in Cognitive Services Blog Posts:

Each Vision PC feature contains one or more trial experiences in Vision Studio. To use your images in Vision Studio, you will need an Azure subscription and a Cognitive Services resource for authentication. Otherwise, you can try Vision Studio without logging in with our sample images. These experiments help you quickly test features using a no-code approach that provides both text and JSON responses.

Other public cloud vendors, such as AWS and Google, offer similar Computer Vision APIs on their platforms. Get to know AWS It offers free tutorials to try the capabilities, but an AWS account is required. Also, Google has an offer with The vision of artificial intelligence, which can be tested without logging in and by uploading custom images. Finally, according to a verified market source Report“Artificial Intelligence in the Computer Vision Market, Computer Vision Capabilities Market, Expected to Reach $2,05,104.8 Million by 2030, at a CAGR of 37.05% from 2023 to 2030” – hence the investments In this public knowledge services by cloud vendors.

More details about Computer Vision are available at Documents landing page. Instructions on how to use Vision Studio can be found in Microsoft Learn page.



Snap Way to Design Ad Ranking Service Using Deep Learning

Snap geometry recently posted a file Blog Posts on how they designed their ad categorization and targeting service using deep learning.

Showing ads to users is the trend of monetizing social networking platform. Snap’s ad rating system is designed to target the right user at the right time. Snap follows a few principles in designing such a complex system. They focus on providing an excellent user experience while maintaining user privacy and security. The following image shows the high-level structure of Snap Ads Ranking and Targeting.

Snap .’s Comprehensive Ad Classification Service Architecture

This system consists of some microservices. It contains a module called Ad Eligibility Filter. This module applies some filters such as checking ad budget, privacy, and ad policy compliance. Determines whether an advertisement is appropriate to display to the user. Ads from this module are passed to the candidate generation module. The filter generation module identifies relevant ads to users. Usually a machine learning model is very light Re-Call used in this unit. Once hundreds or a few thousand ads are identified, a heavy deep learning model is used to score the likelihood of the ads converting. In the end, the auction is run to select and score ads based on business rules, budget, etc. The feedback loop is used to collect more user interaction data to retrain models.

Ad rating systems face some unique challenges compared to general recommendation and search ranking systems. First of all, size, cost and latency. As mentioned in Blog Posts :

Our ML models work very broadly; Every day we make trillions of predictions using models trained on billions of examples. Such a large scale involves significant training and heuristics costs. These models also operate under strict latency restrictions. A combination of highly optimized training platform, inference platform, and model architectures is needed to keep cost and latency within acceptable limits.

Low prediction error rate is an important factor in choosing an advertisement. The error in predicting the outcome will propagate in the auction phase resulting in low quality data in the model’s training. The rapid change in advertising inventory is also one of the main challenges. This makes it difficult to get good embed Representation of advertisements.

For heavy ml models, in-service deep learning models are used as described in Blog Posts :

We make use of the latest multitasking models like MMoEs And the PLE To jointly predict multiple conversion events (eg, app installs, purchases, and subscriptions). Our models also use the latest high-level feature interaction layers such as DCN And the DCN version 2 as a building stone. We also optimize these models for inference cost and response time by splitting them into multiple towers, ie one for user features processing and one for advertising features. We illustrate these components and their interrelationships in the figure below.

A typical high-level structure used to classify Snap ads

Ad Ranking Systems is a use case recovery systems. Some cloud service providers such as AmazonAnd the The GoogleAnd the Microsoft It also offers these return systems as a service to its customers. There are some open source systems like Ad search systems On Github for further review.



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