IBM’s new cloud solution promises huge storage gains at low cost — with a catch

IBM has released a new tape library designed specifically for the “new wave” of superstars compiling massive sets of customer data.

The Diamondback Tape Library made its debut at the 2022 Open Computing Project Global Summit, where IBM was keen to emphasize the new offering’s cybersecurity capabilities, saying that it “provides important protection against a variety of threats.”

LTO format display appears to provide up to 27 petabytes (PB) of capacity on a single rack. Storage creates a physical “air hole”, or an isolated offline backup, which can be useful for protecting sensitive sites endpoints from electronic attacks.

How it works?

IBM also described the cost advantages of the solution, saying that it provides nearly a quarter of the total cost of turntable storage and public cloud archiving services.

“Due to the explosion in data volume, ransomware, and increased regulatory and sustainability requirements, ultra-wideband cloud providers are among the largest consumers of tape storage and are expected to drive tape capacity shipments to new levels in 2023,” said Phil Goodwin, one of the researchers. Vice President of IDC.

IBM’s new solution is generally available today, and it shows that despite the era of tape storage technology dating back to the 1950s, LTO technology is far from dead.

A report from the LTO program said 148 exabytes of tape were shipped in 2021, with a growth rate of 40 percent in 2020.

the report Attributed to the company’s fourth attempt to cut cloud storage costs when archiving their unstructured data.

IBM continues publishing Relatively strong resultsThe company reported revenue of $14.1 billion, up 6% or 15% in constant currency, in the third quarter of 2022.

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