IBM hails the latest leap forward in quantum computing

IBM revealed how many 433 qubits Healer It is defended as a breakthrough moment in the industry.

Although the Osprey quantum processor is still well below what IBM hopes to achieve in the future — it plans to have a 4,000-qubit supply by 2025 — the Osprey quantum processor is more powerful than its 127-qubit Eagle predecessor.

“The new Osprey 433 qubit processor brings us one step closer to the point where quantum computers will be used to tackle previously unsolvable problems,” noted IBM Senior Vice President and Director of Research Darío Gil.

The road ahead

Gill added that IBM will work with its partners around the world to advance the field across all borders, from software to hardware, with the hope that their efforts “will prove essential for the next era of quantum-centric supercomputing.”

IBM’s plans for the future of quantum computing have already been laid out in some detail. Continuing with bird terms, in 2023, it aims to launch a processor condor with 1,121 qubits and then a flamingo with 1,386 qubits in 2024, before capping with a Kookaburra in 2025 with 4,000 qubits.

Naturally, problems come with this new and unknown field. One of the central drawbacks of quantum computers right now is their extreme sensitivity, which means they are nowhere near as reliable as standard computers. Noise is a huge problem, as physical interferences in the operation of the system can cause errors.

IBM hopes to address this with the latest version of the Qiskit Runtime, which will allow developers to slow down their systems in favor of fewer bugs.

How do these work?

(Image credit: IBM)

Quantum computers are based on the quantum principle that subatomic particles can be in two states at once. Current computer technology operates on a binary-digital basis, where each piece of data is represented in either zero or one bits. On the other hand, a quantum computer operates in quantum bits – or qubits – which can be zero and one at the same time.

The advantage of this is that quantum computers are much faster in their calculations and are able to exploits This is not even possible with conventional computers.

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