e-Pay Punjab Collects record Rs.5 billion Revenue in July 2021

e-Pay Punjab Collects record Rs.5 billion Revenue in July 2021

e-Pay Punjab achieved yet another milestone in July 2021 by collecting a staggering revenue of PKR 4.95 Billion+ through 1 Million+ transactions. The highest amount of revenue was collected through Token Tax which alone was PKR 2 Billion+.

This was shared during a progress review meeting during which Chairman Punjab Information Technology Board (PITB) Azfar Manzoor stated that e-pay is facilitating the citizens especially during the ongoing pandemic. Citizens are able to make tax payments from the comfort of their homes while practicing social distancing.

e-Pay Punjab is a flagship project of PITB launched in collaboration with Punjab Finance Department. Automation of the online tax payment system through e-Pay Punjab has improved government collections, plugged leakages, increased financial inclusion and brought transparency.

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