Aptma urges PM to restore energy supply to textile industry

Aptma urges PM to restore energy supply to textile industry

Mr. Asif Inam,Chairman, All Pakistan Textile Mills Association, Southern Zone has requested Prime Minister of Pakistan, Mr. Imran Khan’s intervention to save export oriented textile industry of Sindh and Baluchistan from total closure as they have become almost standstill due to denial of gas.

Mr. Asif Inam said that export oriented textile industries of Sind and Baluchistan are contributing more than 52 percent in total textile exports of Pakistan are deprived of gas supply despite of government vision of the higher priority of gas supply to export oriented industries as compared to other industries. He further said that industries of Sindh and Baluchistan are denied of their legal right on gas supply although they are self-sufficient in supply of natural gas.

Chairman APTMA Southern Zone said that due to extremely low gas pressure and frequently unavailability it is very difficult for the export oriented textile industries located in Sindh and Hub Industrial Area to run the mills and fulfill their export commitments well in time.

Chairman APTMA Southern Zone said that despite Baluchistan High Court Order industrial units located in Hub Industrial Area since last two months are getting only 25 percent gas pressure which is inadequate to run the mills.

Mr. Asif Inam urged the government and gas supply companies to provide gas first to export oriented industries including textile to run their mills without any disruption so that they can fulfill their export commitments in time and then to other industries if they have enough gas supply otherwise export oriented textile industry would be compelled to shut down their industries as they are incurring heavy financial losses due to unavailability of gas.

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